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외과(유방암ㆍ갑상선암센터), 유방암센터, 로봇수술센터 관심의료진 등록전문 진료 분야
유방암, 로봇수술 ※유방암으로 진단받은 경우에만 진료 가능합니다.
진료 일정
- 서울대학교 의학박사
- 서울대학교 의학석사
- 서울대학교 의과대학 졸업
교육 및 연구경력
- 2022-현재 | 이대여성암병원 유방암센터 교수
- 1989-2022 | 서울아산병원 외과 전임의, 전임강사, 조교수, 부교수, 교수
- 2012-2016 | 서울아산병원 외과 과장/외과 주임교수
- 2009-2018 | 서울아산병원 유방암센터 소장
- 2001 | Visiting scientist, Harvard Medical Center. MGH , Boston, USA 연수
- 1994-1995 | Visiting scientist, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA 연수
- 1981-1986 | 서울대병원 인턴, 외과 전공의
- 2022 | Newsweek 선정 세계유명(유방)암센터 5위/국내1위
- 2019 | 서울아산병원 개원 30주년 <아산병원을 빛낸 30인> 선정
- 2011 | 대한민국 한빛회 나눔 봉사 대상/의료 봉사 부문 수상
- 세계인명사전 Who`s Who in the world, 유방암수술 국내외 최다기록 보유
- 2007 | 두산 연강재단 <연강학술상> 외과학부문 수상
기타 학술 관련 경력
- 유방암 최소 절개와 최소흉터 수술 권위자
- 2014 | 한국인 유방암의 전국조사자료 등록사업 시작과 분석 및 발표 주도
- 2014-현재 | Nature 잡지 등 학술논문 발표 420 회
- 2014-현재 | 독보적인 유방암수술 기록 보유 26,000 명 이상
- 2014-현재 | 유방암 학술대회 발표/좌장/참석 170 회
- 2014-현재 | 유방암 임상연구 30건
- 2014-현재 | 유방암 강의, 강연 50 회
- 2014 | 유두-피부보존 유방절제수술과 동시 유방복원수술 방법 국내 소개 및 최다수술시행
- 2014-현재 | 유방암 관련 저서 13권 집필
- 2014-현재 | 유방암 관련 TV, 방송, 신문 150회 이상 출연
- 2013 | 서울아산병원 국내최초 유방암 수술 기록 20,000명 기념 강연
- EBS <명의> 유방암명의 2009,2011,2012 3차례 방영
- 대한민국 의학한림원 정회원
- 미국임상종양학회(ASCO) 정회원
- 미국유방학회(ASBD) 정회원
- 이희진 외. Oncologic outcomes of immediate breast reconstruction in young women with breast cancer receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy. 2021.
- 이새별 외. Targeted eicosanoids profiling reveals a prostaglandin reprogramming in breast Cancer by microRNA-155. 2021.
- 정경해 외. Comparison of metabolic changes after neoadjuvant endocrine and chemotherapy in ER-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer. 2021.
- 정경해 외. Plasma Proteome Signature to Predict the Outcome of Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy. 2021.
- 정경해 외. Oncologic Safety of Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy in Patients with Breast Cancer and Tumor-to-Nipple Distance ≤ 1 cm: A Matched Cohort Study. 2021.
- 정경해 외. Publisher Correction: Analysis of the serial circulating tumor cell count during neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. 2021.
- 엄진섭 외. Factors Predicting Locoregional Recurrence After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Nipple-Sparing/Skin-Sparing Mastectomy With Immediate Breast Reconstruction. 2021.
- 엄진섭 외. Locoregional recurrence following nipple-sparing mastectomy with immediate breast reconstruction: Patterns and prognostic significance. 2021.
- 엄진섭 외. Data on distant metastasis and survival after locoregional recurrence following nipple-sparing mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction. 2021.
- 한현호 외. Tumor-to-Nipple Distance and the Safety of Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy. 2021.
- 손병호 외. Survival of Breast-Conserving Surgery Plus Radiotherapy versus Total Mastectomy in Early Breast Cancer. 2021.
- 손병호 외. Breast-conserving surgery with 3D-printed surgical guide: a single-center, prospective clinical study. 2021.
- 엄진섭 외. ASO Author Reflections: Do Shorter Tumor-to-Nipple Distances Compromise the Local Oncologic Safety of Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy?. 2021.
- 손병호 외. Long-term survival outcomes of repeat lumpectomy for ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence: a propensity score-matched analysis. 2021.
- 손병호 외. Oncologic Safety of Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy in Patients with Breast Cancer and Tumor-to-Nipple Distance ≤ 1 cm: A Matched Cohort Study. 2021.
- 이새별 외. Development and Validation of a Next-Generation Sequencing-Based Multigene Assay to Predict the Prognosis of Estrogen Receptor-Positive, HER2-Negative Breast Cancer. 2020.
- 정경해 외. Impact of proactive high-throughput functional assay data on BRCA1 variant interpretation in 3684 patients with breast or ovarian cancer. 2020.
- 정경해 외. GeneReader NGS System Is a Useful Sequencing Platform for Clinical Testing of BRCA1 and BRCA2. 2020.
- 정경해 외. Predictive Role of TP53, PIK3CA and MLL2 in ER+ HER2+ Breast Bancer: Biomarker Analysis of Neo-ALL-IN [NCT 01275859]. 2020.
- 손병호 외. A Propensity Score-matched Analysis of Long-term Oncologic Outcomes After Nipple-sparing Versus Conventional Mastectomy for Locally Advanced Breast Cancer. 2020.
- 손병호 외. Long-term Oncologic Outcomes of Immediate Breast Reconstruction vs Conventional Mastectomy Alone for Breast Cancer in the Setting of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy. 2020.
- 손병호 외. Potential of MALDI-TOF-based serum N-glycan analysis for the diagnosis and surveillance of breast cancer. 2020.
- 엄진섭 외. Residual disease after mastectomy. 2020.
- 손병호 외. Magnetic resonance imaging based 3-dimensional printed breast surgical guide for breast-conserving surgery in ductal carcinoma in situ: a clinical trial. 2020.
- 고범석 외. Analysis of the serial circulating tumor cell count during neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. 2020.
- 손병호 외. Change in Estradiol Levels among Premenopausal Patients with Breast Cancer Treated Using Leuprolide Acetate 11.25 Milligrams 3-Month Depot and Tamoxifen. 2020.
- 손병호 외. The effects of poloxamer and sodium alginate mixture (Guardix-SG®) on range of motion after axillary lymph node dissection: A single-center, prospective, randomized, double-blind pilot study. 2020.
- 정일용 외. The Impact of Androgen Receptor and Histone Deacetylase 1 Expression on the Prognosis of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ. 2020.
- 손병호 외. The Usefulness of Periareolar Zigzag Incision in Breast Conserving-Surgery in Breast Cancer Patients: Experience in a Single Institution. 2020.
- 손병호 외. The role of postoperative radiotherapy after primary tumor resection in patients with de novo stage IV breast cancer. 2020.
- 손병호 외. Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy versus neoadjuvant chemotherapy in young women with breast cancer: Prognosis and axillary node surgery. 2020.
- 손병호 외. A Mobile Technology for Collecting Patient-Reported Physical Activity and Distress Outcomes: Cross-Sectional Cohort Study. 2020.
- 손병호 외. Breast cancer diagnosis by analysis of serum N-glycans using MALDI-TOF mass spectroscopy. 2020.
- 손병호 외. Oncologic Outcomes of Nipple-sparing Mastectomy and Immediate Reconstruction After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer. 2020.
- 손병호 외. Effect of Tamoxifen on the Risk of Osteoporosis and Osteoporotic Fracture in Younger Breast Cancer Survivors: A Nationwide Study. 2020.
- 손병호 외. Changes in bone mineral density during 5 years of adjuvant treatment in premenopausal breast cancer patients. 2020.
- 손병호 외. Recurrence Outcomes After Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy and Immediate Breast Reconstruction in Patients with Pure Ductal Carcinoma In Situ. 2020.
- 정경해 외. Diagnostic accuracy and safety of 16α-[ 18 F]fluoro-17β-oestradiol PET-CT for the assessment of oestrogen receptor status in recurrent or metastatic lesions in patients with breast cancer: a prospective cohort study. 2019.
- 손병호 외. Risk stratification system for groups with a low, intermediate, and high risk of subsequent distant metastasis and death following isolated locoregional recurrence of breast cancer. 2019.
- 손병호 외. Long-term Follow-up of Pure Ductal Carcinoma in situ after Breast-Conserving Surgery. 2019.
- 정경해 외. Intrinsic Prognostic Impact of Tumor-infiltrating Lymphocytes in Systemically Untreated Patients With Early-stage Triple-negative Breast Cancer. 2019.
- 공경엽 외. Salivary Duct Cancer Metastasis Mimicking Primary Breast Cancer: A Case Report and Review. 2019.
- 손병호 외. Comparison of metabolic changes between neoadjuvant chemotherapy and neoadjuvant endocrine therapy in premenopausal women with ER positive, HER2 negative breast cancer. 2019.
- 이종원 외. Breast Cancer Recurrence in the Nipple-Areola Complex After Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy With Immediate Breast Reconstruction for Invasive Breast Cancer. 2019.
- 김지선 외. Change in neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio after initiation of chemotherapy can be a prognostic indicator in de novo stage IV breast cancer patients. 2019.
- 고범석 외. Novel fusion genes identified from matched primary and recurrent breast cancers by RNA-sequencing. 2019.
- 백수연 외. Prediction of Late Breast Cancer-Specific Mortality in Recurrence-Free Breast Cancer Survivors Treated for Five Years with Tamoxifen. 2019.
- 고범석 외. MRI-based 3D-printed surgical guides for breast cancer patients who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy. 2019.
- 정경해 외. A Nomogram for Predicting the Oncotype DX Recurrence Score in Women with T1-3N0-1miM0 Hormone Receptor-Positive, Human Epidermal Growth Factor 2 (HER2)-Negative Breast Cancer. 2019.
- 고범석 외. Is asymptomatic surveillance beneficial after standard treatment? A 10-year survival analysis of recurrent BC patients by detection method of recurrence. 2019.
- 김수산 외. Axillary Lymph Node Dissection Does Not Improve Post-mastectomy Overall or Disease-Free Survival among Breast Cancer Patients with 1-3 Positive Nodes. 2018.
- 고창석 외. Predicting Successful Conservative Surgery after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Hormone Receptor-Positive, HER2-Negative Breast Cancer. 2018.
- 김수산 외. Evaluation of the Prognostic Stage in the 8th Edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer in Patients with Breast Cancer and Internal Mammary Lymph Node Metastasis. 2018.
- 안세현 외. Diagnostic accuracy and safety of 16α-[18F]fluoro-17β-estradiol positron emission tomography/computed tomography for the assessment of estrogen receptor status of recurrent or metastatic lesions in patients with breast cancer: an open label, non-randomized, phase 3 study. 2018.
- 이새별 외. Clinical Implication of HER2 Status in Hormone Receptor-Positive Mucinous Breast Cancer. 2019.
- 이새별 외. Survival outcome of adjuvant endocrine therapy alone for patients with lymph node-positive, hormone-responsive, HER2-negative breast cancer. 2019.
- 안세현 외. Age-related risk factors associated with primary contralateral breast cancer among younger women versus older women. 2018.
- 손병호 외. BRCA1/2-negative, high-risk breast cancers (BRCAX) for Asian women: genetic susceptibility loci and their potential impacts. 2018.
- 이새별 외. Uneven recovery patterns of compromised health-related quality of life (EQ-5D-3 L) domains for breast Cancer survivors: a comparative study. 2018.
- 이새별 외. Comparing Accuracy of Mammography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Residual Calcified Lesions in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapy. 2018.
- 김영훈 외. Characteristics and prognosis of breast cancer after liver or kidney transplantation. 2018.
- 이종원 외. No Association of Positive Superficial and/or Deep Margins with Local Recurrence in Invasive Breast Cancer Treated with Breast-Conserving Surgery. 2018.
- [의학포스터]Analysis of serial circulating tumor cell count during neoadjuvant systemic therapy in breast cancer patients. 2018.04.05.
- [의학포스터]The patient underwent axillary lymph node dissection was treated with a mixture of Poloxamer and Alginate (Guardix-SG®) Impact on range of action: Single-institution, prospective, randomized, double-blind investigator pilot study. 2018.04.02.
- [의학포스터]Clinicopathologic Characteristics and Prognostic factors of pure mucinous breast cancer. 2018.03.13.
- 김성배 외. A Randomized Feasibility Study of 18 F-Fluoroestradiol PET to Predict Pathologic Response to Neoadjuvant Therapy in Estrogen Receptor-Rich Postmenopausal Breast Cancer. 2017.
- 채선영 외. A Randomized Feasibility Study of (18)F-Fluoroestradiol PET to Predict Pathologic Response to Neoadjuvant Therapy in Estrogen Receptor-Rich Postmenopausal Breast Cancer. 2017.
- 채선영 외. Reply: (18)F-Fluoroestradiol PET to Predict the Response to Neoadjuvant Treatment of Luminal Breast Cancer. 2017.
- 정일용 외. Interaction between body mass index and hormone-receptor status as a prognostic factor in lymph-node-positive breast cancer. 2017.
- 정일용 외. Longitudinal patterns and associated factors of postdiagnosis weight changes in Korean breast cancer survivors with normal body mass index. 2017.
- 이종원 외. Genetic Predisposition of Polymorphisms in HMGB1-Related Genes to Breast Cancer Prognosis in Korean Women. 2017.
- 안세현 외. Evaluation of a novel approach to circulating tumor cell isolation for cancer gene panel analysis in patients with breast cancer. 2017.
- 안세현 외. Cancer gene panel analysis of cultured circulating tumor cells and primary tumor tissue from patients with breast cancer. 2017.
- [의학포스터]A prospective observational study protocol for developing distress management algorithms using mobile device based health logs in breast cancer survivors. 2018.03.14.
- 이새별 외. Survival improvement in hormone-responsive young breast cancer patients with endocrine therapy. 2017.
- 김희정 외. Outcome following sentinel lymph node biopsy-guided decisions in breast cancer patients with conversion from positive to negative axillary lymph nodes after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. 2017.
- 김수산 외. Impact of pathologic diagnosis of internal mammary lymph node metastasis in clinical N2b and N3b breast cancer patients. 2017.
- 전재용 외. Prevalence and risk factors of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder after breast cancer treatment. 2017.
- [의학포스터]Clinicopathologic Characteristics and Prognostic factors of pure mucinous breast cancer. 2018.04.02.
- [의학포스터]Understanding the Therapeutic Effect and Molecular Mechanism of GnRH agonist for TNBC using Patient Derived Xenograft (PDX) model. 2016.06.01.
- [의학포스터]Screening for Psychological Distress in Breast Cancer Patients and Psychiatric Referral acceptance among Screen Positive Patients. 2016.06.01.
- [의학포스터]Understanding the Therapeutic Effect and Molecular Mechanism of GnRH agonist for TNBC using Patient Derived Xenograft (PDX) model. 2016.06.01.
- [의학포스터]A Nomogram for Predicting the Oncotype DX Recurrence Score in Women with T1-3N0-1miM0 Hormone Receptor-positive, Human Epidermal Growth Factor-2 (HER2)-negative Breast Cancer. 2016.06.01.
- [의학포스터]Evaluation of Surgical Guides Using a 3D Printer in Breast Cancer Patients Who Received Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy. 2016.06.01.
- [의학포스터]No negative effect of short-term delays in surgery on tumor progression and survival outcomes in invasive breast cancer. 2016.06.01.
- [의학포스터]Heterogeneity of Reproductive Risk Factors for Breast Cancer According to Age and Tumor Subtype. 2016.04.29.
- [의학포스터]Multiple Primary Cancers in Breast Cancer Patients. 2016.04.28.
- [의학포스터]Discordance of hormone receptor and human epidermal growth factor receptor2 as a prognostic factor of survival between primary breast cancer and recurrent breast cancer. 2016.04.28.
- [의학포스터]Poor survival of the young breast cancer is due to early and late recurrence in non triple negative breast cancer. 2016.04.28.
- [의학포스터]Neutrophil lymphocyte ratio(NLR) change after systemic treatment can be a predictive factor of cancer specific survival(CSS) in stage lV breast cancer. 2016.04.20.
- [의학포스터]Cardiac dose reduction in breast irradiation using deep inspiration breath hold: dose comparison study based on deformable image registration. 2016.04.18.
- [의학포스터]Breast-specific gamma imaging versus magnetic resonance imaging in ductal carcinoma in situ: A prospective head-to-head trial. 2016.04.07.
- [의학포스터]Perioperative factors associated with underlying depression in breast cancer patients. 2015.08.26.
- [의학포스터]Diagnostic performance of breast scintigraphy with breast-specific gamma camera in the assessment of residual tumor after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. 2013.07.01.
- [의학포스터]Detection of internal mammary lymph node metastasis with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography in patients with stage III breast cancer. 2013.06.11.
- [의학포스터]Comparisons of Survival Outcomes of the Different Surgical Approaches in Occult Breast Cancer with Axillary Node Metastasis. 2013.06.10.
- [의학포스터]Analysis of Treatment and Survival of Occult Breast Cancer with Axillary Lymph Node Metastasis: . 2013.06.10.
- [의학포스터]Radiofrequency ablation of early breast cancer followed by surgical resection. 2013.05.03.
- [의학포스터]Examining Bone Degeneration as a Side Effect of Treatment in Premenopausal Breast Cancer Patients. 2013.05.03.
- [의학포스터]Stage, Biology and Age. 2013.05.03.
- [의학포스터]Feasibility of sentinel lymph node biopsy after preoperative systemic chemotherapy in breast cancer patients with FNA-proven axillary lymph node metastasis. 2013.05.03.
- [의학포스터]Ki 67 Expression and Oncotype DXTM Recurrence Score in Korean Breast Cancer Patients. 2013.05.03.
- [의학포스터]Expression of the Claudin 1,3,4 and 7 in Triple Negative Breast Cancer : Does Not Correlate with Prognosis. 2013.05.03.
- [의학포스터]Clinical features and outcomes of leptomeningeal metastasis in patients with breast cancer: a single center experience. 2012.12.14.
- [의학포스터]Evaluation of internal mammary lymph node metastases on 18F-FDG PET/CT in breast cancer patients – correlation with pathologic results. 2012.06.13.
- [의학포스터]Prognostic Factors of Male Breast Cancer. 2012.04.30.
- [의학포스터]Higher breast density is positively associated with larger tumor size and lymph node metastasis: A cross-sectional study of 910 Korean. 2012.04.30.
- [연구발표] HER-2/neu 과발현된 림프절 전이 없는 조기 유방암 환자의 재발위험도. 2007.
- [연구발표] 유전성 유방암의 진료현황에 대한 설문조사결과. 2007.
- [연구발표] 유방암과 혈중 Vitamin D 수치와의 상관관계. 2007.
- [연구발표] 유방암 환자의 보조호르몬요법에서 프로제스테론 수용체는 예측인자적 가치가 있는가?. 2007.
- [연구발표] 유방암 초진단 환자에서의 혈청 HER2/neu 농도와 진단적 인자들과의 상관성. 2007.
- [연구발표] 횡복직근 피판술을 이용한 즉시 유방재건술시 저분자량 헤파린의 폐 혈전색전증 예방 효과. 2007.
- [연구발표] BRCA1/2 Associated Korean Breast Cancer has more often ER/C-ERBB2 negative phenotype. 2006.
- [연구발표] Sentinel node biopsy in patients with multifocal breast cancer. 2006.
- [연구발표] Prognostic Significance of Stem cell Property in Breast Carcinoma: Immunohistochemical Study for CD44s and CD24. 2006.
- [연구발표] Predictor of locoregional recurrence to plan breast conservation therapy for breast cancer. 2006.
- [연구발표] Bone mineral density and the risk of breast cancer. 2006.
- [연구발표] Hepatitis B Reactivation During Adjuvant Anthracycline Based Chemotherapy in Patients with Breast Cancer : Single Institution Experience. 2006.
- [연구발표] Gemcitabine single or combination chemotherapy in post anthracycline and taxane salvage treatment of metastatic breast cancer: Retrospective analysis of 124 patients. 2006.
- [연구발표] Sentinel Node Biopsy in Patients with Multifocal Breast Cancer. 2006.
- [연구발표] 유방암의 유두보존 유방절제술과 즉각적 유방복원수술 110예의 적응증, 술식 및 결과. 2006.
- [연구발표] 유방암 환자에서 피부보존 유방절제술 및 즉각적 유방복원수술 시행 후 발생하는 폐혈전색전증에 대해 저분자량 헤파린(Enoxaparin)을 이용한 예방적 치료. 2006.
- [연구발표] Prognostic Significance of Stem Cell Property in Breast Carcinoma: Iuumonhistochemical Study for CD44s and CD24. 2006.
- [연구발표] Cytokeratin Expression Profiling in the Matrix-Producing Metaplastic Carcinoma of Breast. 2006.
- [연구발표] Correlation of Wip-1 Overexpression with Clinicopathologic Parameters in Breast Cancer. 2006.
- [연구발표] Clinicopathologic Significance of a-Basic Crystallin in Breast Cancer. 2006.
- [연구발표] 유방보형물(Salineifooled Breast Implant)을 이용한 즉시유방재건. 2005.
- [연구발표] TRAM을 이용한 즉시 유방재건술에서의 폐색전증의 유병률 . 2005.
- [연구발표] Multivariate Prognostic Factor Analysis in Patients with Esophageal Cancer Treated with Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy (CRT): The Importance of Pathologic Response and Lymph Node Metastasis. 2006.
- [연구발표] 18F-FDG PET Scan as a Predictor of Survival of the Patients Receiving Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Esophagectomy. 2006.
- [연구발표] Efficacy of gemcitabine alone and in combination with vinorelbine or capecitabine in metastatic breast cancer settings of disease progression after anthracycline and taxane therapy. 2006.
- [연구발표] Hepatitis B Reactivation During Adjuvant Anthracycline Based Chemotherapy in Patients with Breast Cancer : Single Institution Experience. 2006.
- [연구발표] The Clinical Utility of Sonographic Evaluation of Supraclavicular and Internal Mammary Lymph Nodes. 2006.
- [연구발표] Basal-like Subtype of Invasive Breast Carcinoma. 2006.
- [연구발표] 유두-유륜 보존 유방 절제술 후 횡복직근 피판술을 이용한 즉시 유방 재건술의 경협. 2005.
- [연구발표] 횡복직근피판술을 이용한 즉시 유방재건술:연속적인 200례의 전향적 연구. 2004.
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유방학(The Breast) 3판
군자출판사 | 2013
유전성 유방암
군자출판사 | 2012
유방암 환자를 위한 치료 안내서 5판
영창출판사 | 2012
KBS 생로병사의 비밀 - 유방암
경향미디어 | 2010
유방암 환자를 위한 치료 안내서 3판
영창출판사 | 2008
유방암 환자를 위한 치료안내서 개정판
영창출판사 | 2006
암에 대한 모든 것(가림건강신서 54)
가림출판사 | 2006
유방학(The Breast) 2판
군자출판사 | 2005
유방암 환자를 위한 치료 안내서
영창출판사 | 2005
유방학(The Breast) 1판
군자 | 1999
언론 보도
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